Keeping Your Cards Safe
Debit and credit cards are a quick and convenient way to pay for your purchases. During hectic times of the year it is easy to become distracted. Remembering some card safety tips will help keep your accounts safe.
Secure your Cards - Keep your cards in a safe location and pay close attention to your purse and wallet while shopping. For additional safety, carry only the cards you need to make your purchases.
Monitor Account Activity - Closely monitor your account activity and report suspicious transactions. Staying up-to-date is easy with the help of online banking, mobile banking and our telephone banking system.
Shop Trusted Merchants - Shop with merchants you know and trust both online and offline. When shopping at a store, keep an eye on your card (see skimming below) and be sure to collect any receipts. When shopping online, look for the small padlock icon that appears in the bottom right of the Web page. The beginning of the retailer's Internet address will change from "http" to "https" when a purchase is made using a secure connection.
Watch for Skimmers - Card skimmers are electronic devices capable of capturing your account information for purposes of creating a duplicate card. Skimmers are most commonly found on ATMs and gas station pumps but can also be used by a dishonest employee of a store, restaurant or bar to obtain your card information.
Protect your PIN - Beware of "shoulder surfers" who peer over your shoulder while you enter your PIN into an ATM or while making a purchase. Don't use a word or number that is easily guessed or that can be found in your wallet (e.g. birthday). Memorize your PIN and don’t share it with anyone.